NECA 2016 Safety Professionals Conference

Professional Behavior in the Workplace: Understanding the Risk & Liability of Harassment (Room Concept)

24 May 16
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Safety Risk Management

As an employer, you, your supervisors, and even your employees can be held liable for any harassment (including sexual harassment) that occurs within your workplace.  And the results can have a lasting effect on your employees, your company’s reputation and financials, and even on your ability to attract and retain key talent within your organization.  This interactive and engaging session takes a practical look at the requirements, the liability exposure, and the steps employers can and should take to prevent illegal harassment in the workplace. Some of the specific areas will be:      

·                     Definition of Harassment

·                     How to identify and report harassment

·                     Understanding personal liability for harassment

·                     How to support an environment free from harassment

·                     Company responsibility for responding to allegations of harassment

·                     Roles and responsibilities for investigating allegations of harassment

·                     Review the business (financial) impact of harassment on an organization

·                     Harassment (including Sexual) Learning Assessment – testing your knowledge