NECA 2016 Safety Professionals Conference

Key Innovations & Awareness of Today’s Electrical Safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (Room Discovery A)

23 May 16
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Outside Electrical Construction

This course will cover traditional and non-traditional electrical safety PPE options available to electrical workers today.  Products such as arc flash clothing, hoods, shields, voltage rated gloves & protectors, insulated tools, voltage detectors, dielectric overshoes arc blast blankets, hot sticks/rescue sticks and more.  This will also cover recent product innovations that has improved traditional products making them more user-friendly and addressing past issues that negatively affected compliance and user acceptance. This overview type session is designed to offer awareness on tools and PPE available to electrical workers today that can protect them from critical hazards of the job such as shock, arc flash and arc blast.  There is confusion in the Industry today over available safety products that exist for the protection of workers to ensure they go home safety every day after a safe days work.