Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference 2016

The Fire Department Assessment Center: The Boot Camp (Room 3B)

This workshop will prepare attendees for the grueling assessment center process and provide them with the opportunity to know the "how and why" you are being assessed with the various assessment center methods. The process is predictable and learnable. With this class and with a strong desire to prepare and study, attendees will be more successful in their next assessment center. The presenter will use interactive slides, (pictures and videos) regarding how and why assessment centers are so widely used in promotional processes. Class interaction and participation will be used to demonstrate the four phases of a typical fire service assessment center. The four phases discussed will be: 1) the written examination: how the questions are derived and how to best prepare; 2) the tactical assessment: demonstrate the various methods assessors use to challenge and identify promotable candidates; 3) oral interview: demonstrate the interviewing methods and how the assessors decide on questions for the process; and 4) in-basket exercise: demonstrate methods used to prioritize and solve the items of the in-basket exercise. After completing this class, attendees should be better prepared and more confident during their next assessment center process.