Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference 2016

Buried Alive With the Will to Survive: From Devastation to Inspiration (Room 1C)

26 Feb 16
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Management Symposium (Day 2)

September 11, 2001 is a day when the world stood still. Buried, crushed and bleeding beneath tons of rubble from the South Tower; Joe wondered what life could be if given just one more day. Later, he was miraculously found by rescue workers with multiple fractures, head injuries, and in severe respiratory distress. The light of day was something he always took for granted. Within ten minutes of being rescued, Joe was buried again under the debris from the collapse of the North Tower. Joe now travels the world sharing his amazing and inspirational story of survival. A real and regular person, he shares his lessons of managing fear under the most horrible situations. It is Joe’s hope that his lessons learned on and after 9/11 will inspire everyone to thrive through change under any circumstance, and to accept and handle unexpected stress and adversities by redirecting them with positive empowerment toward reaching their goals and dreams. The presenter will discuss the following life-changing concepts: success is not luck, it is the intersection where preparation meets opportunity; happiness is paying the price of building character and a good reputation; bravery is the coward that escapes from inside of you; the first step of getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you currently are; the best lessons in life often come from the bad and the wrong, for they are the ones from which you learn the most; and self doubt is our worst enemy, for it seeks to compromise our ability to succeed.