Sensors Expo 2016

Optimizing 3-Component Force Sensor Intallation for Force Limited Vibration Testing (Room Executive Ballroom G)

23 Jun 16
1:40 PM - 2:20 PM

Tracks: Measurement & Detection

During this session, attendees will tackle the most difficult part of force sensor use: preloading them in place. Grimaldi will explain when to preload and share the pre-test design requirements. He will also teach those attending this session how much preload is enough, how it affects the calibration of the sensors, and what other types of force sensors may be used to make a force limiting measurement. ATTENDEE BENEFITS & TAKEAWAYS: - The most difficult part of using the force sensors is preloading them in place. By attending this session attendees will learn when to do so and the pre-test design requirements - Learn how much preload is enough and how it affects the calibration of the sensors - Discover other types of force sensors that may be used to make a force limiting measurement