Sensors Expo 2016

The Rise and Fall of Wearable Sensors for Health, Wellness, and Medical Applications (Room Meeting Room 211AB)

23 Jun 16
1:40 PM - 2:20 PM

Tracks: Flexible & Wearable, Flexibles & Wearables

Wearable sensors have existed for decades, but are not widely accepted - other than as glamorous fitness gadgets. This session will discuss the history of such devices; the barriers to acceptance, and the technology changes that will allow acceptance and utility in a number of particular clinical applications. ATTENDEE BENEFITS & TAKEAWAYS: - Understand market barriers that have existed in the past preventing success in garment based sensing devices - Understand advances in societal norms and expectations that will enhance acceptance of wearable sensing devices for health, wellness, and medical applications - Understand regulatory changes in wearable sensing of vital signs and limitations imposed and how to manage those limitations allowing entry into medical remote monitoring