Sensors Expo 2016

Utilizing Wireless Networking in Your Sensor Application (Room Executive Ballroom G)

22 Jun 16
2:40 PM - 3:20 PM

Tracks: Wireless

It can be surprisingly difficult to develop a wireless sensor solution that is robust and scalable. This session will provide an overview of high-level tradeoffs to consider. Trade spaces on decisions throughout the design process will be provided, along with real-life examples of successful implementations. ATTENDEE BENEFITS & TAKEAWAYS: - Learn about the benefits of adding wireless connectivity to sensor products, including examples where adding wireless functionality allowed the product to gain an advantage over the competition - Discuss the high-level tradeoffs in picking the right wireless solution, and walk through this trade space for several different practical sensor applications - Attendees will see a hands-on demonstration of best practices for proving that a wireless sensor solution is robust and scalable, both in the lab and in the field