Sensors Expo 2016

Energy Harvesting With Thin-Film GaAS Solar Cells (Room Executive Ballroom D)

22 Jun 16
10:20 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: EH/Power, Energy Harvesting

The highest efficiency solar cells are made with Gallium Arsenide (GaAs), primarily for space applications. Attendees in this session will learn about a newly developed manufacturing process that dramatically reduces the cost of GaAs solar cells, bringing them into applications where high efficiency, light weight, and flexibility are important. Those who attend this session will also learn how to power Bluetooth LE systems and power beacons through the use of GaAs solar power with demo boards. ATTENDEE BENEFITS & TAKEAWAYS: - Learn how high efficiency GaAs solar cells perform in outdoor and indoor lighting conditions, in both bright light and low-light environments - Learn how GaAs solar cells compare to silicon based solar products that are on the market today and some emerging solar technologies - Learn how to power beacons and Bluetooth LE systems using power from GaAs solar