2016 WOCN® Society & CAET Joint Conference

(S12) Programs to Promote Safe Skin from Macro to Micro (Room 511)

In order to maintain a successful skin safety program, all caregivers and administration must share the belief that multiple health care disciplines and providers play a role. Therefore, best practice bundles must be integrated into the culture and infrastructure of the health care system. Evidence suggests that the infrastructure components are often the missing link to implementation and maintenance of a skin safety program. Common gaps include lack of staff education, lack of physician involvement (as well as other caregivers) and inadequate communication. Skin safety initiatives and best practice recommendations have been implemented at the unit, hospital, and state, national, and global levels. This program will present three perspectives (global, statewide, unit) including lessons learned with each. 

Supported by 3M Health Care

*This symposia session requires pre-registration to attend. Space is limited.*