2016 WOCN® Society & CAET Joint Conference

(GS1) Opening Keynote: It All Starts With Attitude (Room 517 a-c)

05 Jun 16
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

The opportunity to learn, share and connect starts with attitude. Sam Glenn is known as the "Attitude Guy" and Sam knows how to have fun, get the ball rolling and inspire, motivate and ignite the passion back into your life, personally and professionally!    

This keynote presentation by Sam Glenn is an empowering, entertaining and captivating way to recharge your group’s attitude batteries, rekindle enthusiasm and ignite a new level of personal and professional positivity +! It is what we like to call a positive kick in the attitude!

Every day we pick the attitude we will go at life with. Sam often refers to this as picking the driver of your bus. Which attitude do you want driving your bus for your life and your organization? The bus being our skills, education, experience and objectives. If the wrong attitude is driving our bus, we will not achieve our full potential or give our best. This is why it is vital to have attitude awareness – to understand that the attitude we choose everyday is either leading us closer to our desired success or further away from it.

Our attitude is a lot like a battery and sometimes it loses its positive charge. Sam not only puts that positive spark into everyone’s attitude, but shows how to maintain that positive spark in the midst of adversity and the things that drain us. Sam discusses how we make attitude a choice every day and that our attitude is either in the way or making a way and we determine which every day.

This program is designed to rekindle your organization’s enthusiasm. More than just having a positive attitude, Sam discusses ways to put the right attitude into action and how doing so will achieve the best results. While we cannot control what goes on around us, we can control our perceptions, responses and actions, which ultimately form our attitude. In this side-splitting humorous program Sam shares his seven attitude lessons that will transform your organization.