2016 Financial Management Conference

402: The Ongoing Evolution of Palliative Care Models (Room Pavilion Ballroom)

In the past few years, there has been increased demand for programs geared toward patients who do not elect or meet eligibility requirements for Medicare home health and hospice. These patients would fall between the cracks of traditional health service lines were it not for the increasing development of programs like palliative care and advanced illness management (AIM). Despite greater interest in AIM and palliative care, these programs are not well understood because they lack specific regulations or guidance setting, reimbursement, operations, stage in the disease process, or delivery models. On the other hand, the Medicare Care Choices demonstration project takes a more structured approach to palliative care. This session will review goals, models, and reimbursement for key variations of palliative care and AIM programs, and provide insights into clinical and financial management of these programs.