Renewable Energy World Asia 2015 Conference

Is Geothermal Energy the "foster child" of the Renewable Energy Space?

Geothermal energy has the potential to be the premium RE technology all over the world: 1. But for Hydro, it is the oldest form of RE fully commercialized over 100 years ago. 2. It is the only "base load" type of RE which is easier to control compared to wind and solar 3. It is economical and reached "grid parity" years ago 4. It is very friendly to the environment. While not polluting, geothermal energy occupies small land areas, kills no birds and has no aesthetic impact. Yet, at barely 12 Gw this technology lags terribly behind wind and solar which started only a few years ago to make a difference. The article will analyse the factors leading to this sorry state of the geothermal industry as it relates to developed and developing countries. Using his vast experience of developing and financing dozens of geothermal projects all over the world, the author will outline how to make geothermal generation a corner stone of the RE industry in countries like Indonesia which controls the largest geothermal resource in the world.