2016 Nursery/Landscape Expo

Educating Your Customers on the Value of Greenspaces (Room 320 CB)

18 Aug 16
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Tracks: Arborists, Business Development, Designer, Irrigation, Landscape, Pest/Disease, Retail, Turf Management

Outdoor landscapes have always been a part of civilization, but only recently has the impact of landscaping truly been realized. Whether in the form of gardens or a simple curbside planting, greenspaces offer many benefits to those who use the area, including psychological, environmental, and even financial. As Texas becomes increasingly urbanized, greenspaces are more important than ever. By understanding these impacts on users, landscape professionals can be better equipped to market products and services and provide for their clientele.                                                                                                                                                                                                          CEUs Available:  TNLA, APLD, LA CES, TEA