2017 NSC Congress & Expo

Just A Second Ago: The Impact of Unsafe Work Acts on Your Family (Room 241)

Brad Livingston was involved in back-to-back explosions that were 100 percent preventable. The contributing factors were the same that exist in every type of organization – shortcuts, complacency, pride, bad attitudes and improper perspectives. Brad overcame a 5 percent chance of surviving his injuries and now shares his story. In this session, he’ll discuss the “ripple effect” – including what he and, more importantly, his family went through – to stress to attendees that they cannot allow these factors to be part of their workplace. Brad’s daughter Kayla was 9 years old when the explosions occurred. She’ll describe how the accident changed the course of her life and the lives of the entire family. From the early days after the event to the effect it still has on her 25 years later, Kayla speaks to the heartache caused by unsafe acts – and the long road to healing.