2017 NSC Congress & Expo

Boomeranging: Practical Methods for Revitalizing an Aging Workforce (Room 232)

26 Sep 17
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Emerging Issues

The workforce is aging. Unless leaders make the right adjustments, this can adversely affect safety receptivity and increase injury frequency and severity (especially strains/sprains, slips/trips/falls and inattention-related incidents.) But studies show workers who are young at heart and in body are more productive, efficient – and safer. With the right approach, many age-related characteristics can be dramatically slowed, and even turned around, with strategies designed to “youthify" workers physically and mentally. In this session, you’ll learn how thinking – and more important, acting – younger can help workers of any age become more sure-footed, agile, receptive, alert, motivated, creative and energized.