2017 NSC Congress & Expo

Who Really Cares About Workplace Safety? (Room 234)

26 Sep 17
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Mgmt. Ldrship., Empl. Engmt. & Cltr.

Other than safety folks and OSHA, nobody is proactively looking for more safety training, better safety systems or a safer working environment – even though they should be. Everyone should care because an injured worker hurts more than the company’s safety record – it affects costs, team dynamics, quality and productivity. So, how do you get people to actually care about safety? You have to appeal to each person’s own agenda: What do they care about and how does safety relate to the things most important to them? This session provides data and examples that demonstrate to safety leaders the things that will make safety a priority for everyone – from company stakeholders to front-line workers.