The 2016 Pool & Spa Show

Major Renovation of Pools - Design and Construction Considerations (Room 401)

Major renovation goes well beyond updating tile, plaster and equipment of an existing pool. The shape of the pool can change, elements such as a spa can be added or removed and the finished product can be unrecognizable from the original. Learn how to apply design strategies and to identify architectural elements that offer creative opportunities to a holistic design approach to the swimming pool environment and beyond.  *This class is recognized as 3.25 hrs/0.3 IACET CEUs (GENESIS)

Session Objectives:
- Discuss examples of major renovations
- Identify before, after, and construction photos and drawings
- Recognize how a relatively inexpensive re-tile and re-plaster project can turn into a six-figure renovation
- List construction considerations, limitations of existing vessel, site, and soils