The 2016 Pool & Spa Show

Email Marketing: The Workhorse of Online Communications (Room 320)

25 Jan 16
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Email may not be a glamorous or sexy way to communicate with vendors and customers, but its low cost and versatility make it the workhorse of communications. Learn how your business can email more effectively through a better understanding of what makes people open, and respond to email promotions and announcements. Instructor will also cover how to measure your results and take advantage of your data to glean customer insights. Attendees will walk away with a plan for applying these lessons back at the office.

Session Objectives:
- Learn about the various types of emails and the legal requirements for sending them
- Learn what formats and elements make recipients want to open, read, and respond to an email
- Learn how to read and interpret email metrics, and use them to improve your email campaigns