S31: In-Die Technologies (Room N223-N224)

16 Nov 16
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Automation, Lasers, Management, MANAGEMENT, Smart Manufacturing, Stamping

Exploring the Benefits of In-Die Fastener Installation
In-die fastener installation systems can improve productivity and quality while simultaneously increasing throughput and reducing WIP. A description of the individual elements of an in-die system and how they function together to form a complete system will be explained through graphics and animations. Also covered are typical and unique projects including the latest technologies associated with installation of micro-fasteners. Attendees will learn how these systems work as well as the ability to determine when an in-die assembly is appropriate and how to properly evaluate a project and mitigate risk.
Roger Patton – PennEngineering

Automatic In-Die Part Quality Monitoring & Tool Adjustments
Implementation of part measurement, die-adjustment and part tracking can result not only in 100% verification of critical part features, but also in significantly increased machine utilization, accurate production, reduced scrap rates and more reliable die protection. Learn the practical methods to select, apply and integrate sensors and control systems in order to fulfill accuracy and quality requirements.
James Barrett, MS - Link Systems. Inc.