S11: Improving Formability (Room N223-N224)

16 Nov 16
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Automation, Lasers, Management, MANAGEMENT, Smart Manufacturing, Stamping

Closed-Loop Cushion Force Control in Stamping AHSS
This presentation addresses the role, latest findings and applications that blankholder forces play in the formability of advanced high-strength steel. Attendees will learn the value of incorporating an oscillating blankholder force into their programmable profiles. The forming system enables the industry to tackle challenges such as friction/lubrication, wall thinning, wrinkling/cracking and improve their limit diagram. The theory of the technology, test data and case studies supporting the process of servo-controlled oscillating force will be covered.
Darrell Quander, Jr. - Hyson Metal Forming Solutions

Separating Fact from Friction
The IRMCO iTool is designed to perform stamping lubricant performance tests based on Dr. Taylan Altan's Cup Draw research at The Ohio State and Edison Welding Institute. With the IRMCO iTool housed in a 300-ton servo press, stamping companies and material suppliers can test and verify lubricant performance with statistical accuracy. With production press-time being so expensive and schedules so tight, it is hard to break in and test new technology. The IRMCO iTool allows for data-driven decisions in a controlled, real-world tool and press. Companies can actually separate fact from friction when selecting the best materials.
W. Jeff Jeffery and Mark Mrozik – IRMCO