F35: Marketing 101 for Fabricators (Room N207-N208)

16 Nov 16
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: 3D/Additive Manufacturing, Job Shop, Lean, LEAN, Management, MANAGEMENT

Marketing for the Small to Mid-sized Manufacturer
Marketing is not a luxury afforded to only large manufacturers that have the budget for a full team of marketing professionals. There are small and affordable strategies you can begin today to put your company’s best foot forward. A few easy-to-implement strategies can elevate your manufacturing company to be fully representative of your capabilities and core values to help you win business.
Debbie Schwake - KeyedIn Manufacturing

Creating Fanatical Fans of Your Brand - A Proven Inside-out Approach That Leads to Productive Employees and Referral-generating Customers
Today's reality is you've got two groups of customers to keep happy - your employees and your buyers. It's proven that unmotivated employees result in unhappy customers. In this session, discover practical insights based on real-life case studies of what to do to ensure your company wins BIG on both fronts. The result is more new business and sustainable growth.
Bridget Lazlo - Guardian Business Solutions, Inc.

New Rules of Relationship Marketing
Today’s prospect is considering lookalike proposals from lookalike businesses—and unless you can provide a compelling reason to choose you, every sale will be a struggle. The secret lies in Relationship Marketing—methodically building and cementing solid connections with current and prospective customers. Find out real-world tools and techniques to implement immediately.
Jon Goldman - Brand Launcher

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