C30: Improving Powder Coating Processes (Room N213-N214)

Six Root Causes for a Powder Failure
This session will cover all the things you must look for to achieve an optimal powder coating and how to identify the root cause of a powder coating failure in the most expedient way. Learn the six potential root causes of all failures.
Rodger Talbert and Steve Houston - Col-Met Engineered Finishing Solutions

Technological Advances in Powder Spray and Recovery Offers More Production Flexibility and Output
This presentation will focus on the advancements in automatic coating systems resulting in improvements in system efficiency relative to the application process. Additional information covered will include an overview of the latest technology used for accurate application of powder coatings and facilitation of quick and contamination free color changeover.
Jeffrey W. Hale - Gema USA Inc.

Powder Coating in a Manufacturing Cell
Manufacturers are looking to implement lean technologies into their manufacturing process, but the powder coating process has been difficult because of the size and scope of typical monument systems. Using infrared and a focus on reducing time on the line, power coating systems can be designed to work in a cellular application. Imagine reducing your conveyor length by 40%. How much WIP savings you will have? How much waste will you reduce? Come learn if cellular powder coating is for you.
Marty Sawyer - Trimac Industrial Systems