F10: Waterjet Cutting Advancements and Technology (Room N221-N222)

16 Nov 16
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Automation, Automation/Robotics, Automation/Smart Mfg, Cutting

Abrasive Recycling for Waterjet Cutting: Advancements in Technology Provide Cost Savings While Maintaining Performance
Waterjet abrasive recycling technology can now reduce cost while maintaining the most important cutting characteristics of the abrasive material. This session will review some of the microscopic details of the cutting profile which allows the re-use of this relatively expensive and consumable costs. Learn how you can save money by stretching the use of your abrasive and at the same time put less of it in your local landfills.
Arion Vandergon - Hypertherm, Inc.

Capabilities and Advancements in Waterjet Technology
Waterjet has unique characteristics that have made it one of the fastest growing manufacturing technologies. This session will cover these new advancements, as well as provide a brief overview of pure waterjet and abrasive waterjet technology, and how they compare to other machine tool processes.
Chip Burnham - Flow International Corp.