AAPEX 2015

Connected Vehicles: The Future of Transportation (Room The Venetian, Marco Polo 704-705)

04 Nov 15
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Technology/Vehicle Systems

Imagine a transportation system in which cars can see things that you can’t. Such cars could alert drivers of a potential hazard or dangerous conditions ahead as well as warn pedestrians through their cell phones thus improving travelers both inside and outside the vehicle. These developments are closer than you think through the U. S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) connected vehicle research. Connected vehicles combine leading-edge technologies to enable high-speed, real-time communication among vehicles, roadside infrastructure and mobile devices. In this session, learn about the research underway and why USDOT needs the help of the aftermarket to make this happen

  • How connected vehicles can save lives, improve traffic flow and make communities safer and more livable.
  • How connected vehicles are the next major innovation in transportation.
  • The aftermarket's role in facilitating this future of transportation.