2015 AACC

Laboratory Test Utilization: Leading the Charge Towards Lab Stewardship-73221 (Room Georgia World Congress Center - B310)

28 Jul 15
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Informatics, Lab Management, Utilization

At the end of this session, the participants will be able to: 1) identify the role of laboratory utilization on increasing health care costs; 2) explain the makeup of a lab utilization committee and their role in improving test utilization in your facility; 3) explain the role of the LIS and EMR systems in identifying opportunities to eliminate unnecessary laboratory testing; 4) describe strategies for obtaining administration and physician buy-in for implementing a test utilization process improvement in your facility; 5) identify tests that offer the best opportunity to control costs while improving patient care; and 6) identify obsolete tests or tests of limited value that should be monitored by laboratory leadership.