Online Merchandising Workshop 2015

Roundtable #16: Unlocking Branded Content That Delivers Cohesiveness & Conversion with The Limited (Room EXPO Hall)

21 Jul 15
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

The Limited, like many of today’s major retailers, are challenged to find the right formula which allows them to maximize their branded content, identify asset efficiencies and share across multiple channels while elevating the brand. OneKreate’s strategic creative with The Limited addressed the challenge of the rigid formula of silo’d static images with a creative strategy that exudes organic authenticity. The results? Rebranded creative content that resonates with today’s consumer while forming cohesiveness within The Limited’s content channels as a whole; delivering an increase in sales. Applicable for any retailer, find out how.

This roundtable takes place at Table #16.

Moderators: Devin Fisher, VP of Operations, OneKreate and Jon Cremens, Sr. Merchant, eCommerce, The Limited