Post-Harvest Grain Losses and Food Security (Room 16AB)

01 Mar 16
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: CEU, Expo Pods, Opening Workshop, Operations, Property and Casualty Risk Management


Speaker: Dr. Dirk Maier, Professor of Grain and Feed Oper and Processing, Iowa State University

Moderator: John Mueller, Founding Member, Food Protction Alliance

Coordinator: Kalah Schmitz, Natl Exec Director, Food Protection Alliance

Post-harvest loss (PHL) estimates are distressingly high considering the current and estimated future need for food to sustain a global population estimated to increase over 9 billion by 2050. These losses represent food already in the production system that could have been used to reduce food insecurity and hunger and to increase food quality/safety, nutrition, and market opportunities for the small landholder. This presentation will provide an overview of on-going and planned activities and collaborations in the context of the larger global discussion on global food and nutrition security. This ed session is CEU-approved for attendees who have earned a credential through the GEAPS/Kansas State University Credentialing Program.

(CEU) This session earns continuing education credit for attendees who have already earned a credential through the GEAPS/Kansas State University Credential Progaram.