The Effects of Foreign Market Consumption on Domestic Crop Production (Room 16AB)

29 Feb 16
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: Agri-Business Environment and Management Practice, CEU, Operations, Registration, Shuttle


Speaker: Dr. Luis Ribera, Assoc Professor and Director, Texas A&M University

Moderator: John Barrett, E Reg Oper Leader, Cargill Inc

Coordinator: Lance Lamers, Reg Oper Leader, Cargill GOSCNA

In this session, an agricultural economist from Texas A & M will explore the international forces that influence grain production in the United States. The discussion will cover population and economic growth, grain production and consumption trends, main importers and exporters, and the significance of international relationships, trade agreements and partnerships. The session will also take a look into the crystal ball. What is the outlook for grain production here and abroad? This ed session is CEU-approved for attendees who have earned a credential through the GEAPS/Kansas State University Credentialing Program.

(CEU) This session earns continuing education credit for attendees who have already earned a credential through the GEAPS/Kansas State University Credential Progaram.