The Optimal Generation for the European Economy (Room G102-G103, Auditorium Centre, First Floor)

Due to the large introduction of renewable generation in Europe, the balancing needs have increased tremendously. In this changed environment generation must be able to ensure a flexible operational pattern such as fast ramping and unloading and start multiple times. This drive for flexibility need is not only for the electrical grids. At the same time there is a need for solutions handling the heat generation allowing operating in the mode that is the most economical at any given moment.

This paper will present balancing operation cases with large gas engines, fast starting, ramping and reserve operation. The paper will also present possibilities to combine heat generation and ensure possibilities to operate in multiple markets, electrical and heat.Due to the large introduction of renewable generation in Europe, the balancing needs have increased tremendously. In this changed environment generation must be able to ensure a flexible operational pattern such as fast ramping and unloading and start multiple times. This drive for flexibility need is not only for the electrical grids. At the same time there is a need for solutions handling the heat generation allowing operating in the mode that is the most economical at any given moment.