The Flexibility of Siemens Heavy Duty Gasturbines Serving the European Power Market Needs (Room G102-G103, Auditorium Centre, First Floor)

In the light of existing CO2 reduction policies and related addition of renewable energy the European Power Market is asking for highly flexible fossil generation - even more so for heavy duty gas turbines. In this context the term flexibility can have various dimensions: There is the need to react on fluctuating renewable infeed – ramp rates, start-up times, emission compliant load range, frequency response capabilities. Of similar importance is fuel flexibility: From demand side with less predictability on the gas consumption the gas supply contract schemes will look different in the future; one result will be the requirement to fire a broader bandwith of gas compositions. At the same time on supply side the fuel composition bandwith is also increased, thinking e.g. of LNG infeed, H2 or synthetic Methane production as energy storage (“power to gas”), fracking gas that significantly changes its compostion over the lifetime of a project – to name some prominent examples. Other less obvious need can be the flexibility to support any specific project boundaries and needs like plant configurations, concepts to increase reliability/ availability and alike. The presentation will give an overview of the Siemens capabilities regarding the aforementioned needs.