Gaining Public Support For Renewable Energy Projects, Including Waste to Energy Plants, Drawing on a Review of Opposition Behaviours from Communities Around the World to New Renewables Development (Room G107)

09 Jun 15
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Theme: Europe's Transitioning Power Sector, Theme: Renewable Energy Strategy, Business & Integration

Environmentally friendly energy generation has been with us for more than 30 years, but it’s the coincidence of targets for greenhouse gas emissions control and the increased need for energy security that has started to get both businesses and governments interested in speeding up delivery of renewable energy – one of the fastest grow energy sectors in the world. The only problem is the accompanying increasing resistance to renewables by the general public near proposed development. It is vital that the energy sector changes the way it engages with the public on these issues to speed up plant delivery and allow the increased use of renewable energy. In many countries there is a well observed paradox between national surveys which demonstrate wide spread public support for renewables, but significant local opposition to their construction. This phenomenon is not only present in Europe, but also in the rest of the world, including increasingly in China. This paper will illustrate opposition to renewables on a global scale identifying those markets most likely to have significant opposition to new renewables development – including a global opposition map. Examples of opposition case studies will be presented from around the world - from the UK to China and beyond, and will cover renewables technologies such as Wind, Solar, Biomass and Waste to Energy. The paper will identify the types of arguments and tactics that developers will need to manage, to allow developments to proceed at an optimal pace. Finally, delegates will also receive recommendations on the most effective community engagement techniques that encourage public support for new renewables projects thereby saving time and money.