The Real Estate Show 2017

C3 How much risk is facing Capital and Debt Markets in 2018: Where are Spreads, Cost, Availability and Sources heading? (Room 718B)

of the capital markets, borrowers, banks and mortgage originators. The participants will offer their views from different points on the compass as they comment on today?s capital and credit market environment; what they foresee in 2018 and beyond; what risks are emerging at this time; and how they would favour deploying their capital. What can you expect next year with respect to the cost, availability and most accessible sources of capital? Will lenders be more or less aggressive next year? What impact are government policies having on capital and the real estate market generally? How challenging is asset valuation today? Where is BOC's policy on interest rates heading in 2018? What is the view of this panel as to when this may likely happen next year?

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