2019 SWANApalooza

Outreach Education for a Broader Reach and Lower Contamination Rates (Room 200)

27 Feb 19
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Contamination has never been a hotter topic in recycling markets. ecomaine, a non-profit waste management company in Maine, is combatting high contamination with education and communication methods specific to each community. Katrina Bussiere-Venhuizen will speak about how offering tours of facilities, presentations to groups of all ages and being truly present at member town events can help enable customers to do the right thing with their waste, or at least make it easier to ask the question when they are unsure. ecomaine has two full time education staff members dedicated solely to teaching about what they do and how they do it. By sharing our methods with others, ecomaine seeks to help the Northeast recycling community attain lower levels of contamination and higher levels of understanding where “away” actually is.