2019 I/ITSEC

Focus Event 10: Black Swan: To Tell the Truth, I've got a Secret (Room 310AB)

Continuing our Black Swan series of panel discussions, we propose the scenario of a “Deep Fake” video authenticated by a credible Insider Threat.  We examine the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms behind the creation of deep fake videos and how they can be used for training and possibly public deception.  We also add the intrigue of using an Insider Threat to authenticate this deceptive video and how insider threats can be used to gain access to the inner circle information and possibly sway public opinion.  As training videos are used extensively in the military and industry, the science of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its application to creating deep fake videos must be explored and understood.  Insider threat knowledge and the tradecraft includes the use of such deception and thus complicates its countermeasures. This session hopes to introduce the audience to these techniques and explore both their nefarious and beneficial uses to the training and simulation communities.   The term Black Swan is used to describe a low probability/high impact event which could profoundly affect our future. The term comes from the 2007 book, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, where he presents various world changing events and advocates anti-fragility to not only survive but thrive during crises. We believe modeling and simulation can play a major part in exploring these events in a very cost-effective manner. Please join us for this engaging session!