2017 I/ITSEC - 8250

International Collaboration 2017 (Room S330BCD)

There are enduring issues that many nations continue to face when working internationally. While these interoperability and integration issues are being resolved in the host countries, we have yet to realize a comprehensive international solution to achieving collaboration on M&S tools and technologies, for either government or industry. One notable example relevant to modeling and simulation is the limitation caused by a lack of a solution to multi-level security across partner nations, which presents challenges in terms of sharing data, applications, algorithms, and standards. What are some of the other collaboration issues facing our international partners? The Panel will be comprised of senior International participants who will: 1) Tee up their top barrier to better collaborate in modeling and simulation, and 2) Offer an approach (including any possible non-proprietary capability that can be shared) to address the same or another issue. The ensuing discussion will seek questions and ideas from the audience to both better define and mitigate the challenges. Interest by current Industry and Government partners can focus on real world operational and training issues within and outside of the M&S community. The resulting benefit of fostering collaboration among partner nations can lead to continuing discussion at other NDIA and NTSA events.