FETC 2019

$W252 | Using Augmented Reality to Turn the World Into a Classroom (Room SOUTH 210C)

30 Jan 19
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

In this brave new digital world, youth are no longer passive observers of technology but are fully integrated with it. As a result, teachers and students alike must learn new ways of learning and deciphering knowledge. Digitally literate youth aren’t relating to traditional learning methods. As a result, they feel more disengaged than ever during their lessons. What would happen if we harnessed the successful methods of the gaming industry to provide safe and educational supplementation to traditional lessons? Augmented reality and its analytics can be used to drive student engagement, to captivate learners, and to maximize school budgets. Learn more about the advantages of gamifying curriculum in this presentation.