FETC 2019

$W268 | Integrating Technology in Early Childhood Classrooms (Room SOUTH 210D)

Have you shied away from incorporating tech tools with your early childhood students? Learn how to create a technology-rich classroom in this workshop. In modern schools, early childhood classrooms can have a technology-rich atmosphere. Even your young learners can achieve success with the four C's (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking)! In this workshop you will learn iPad tips and tricks and new tech tools and walk away with resources to assist the youngest learners. In an iPad, we will showcase the following tools: Dreambox, Lexia, Pebble Go, RAZ Kids, EPIC!, Buncee, Chatterpix, Sock Monkey, Teach Your Monster To Read, GSuite Apps, Codable, Toontastic, Popplet, WeVideo, Thinglink, and Canvas.