PRSM2018 National Conference

Your Growth & Opportunities: The Latest Political, Technological, Economic and Management Trends That Will Dominate Your Business (Room Bayou AB)

09 Apr 18
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Professional Development Workshops, Senior Level

Advance Registration Required. $20 members/$35 non-members
Registration deadline April 2, 2018

Smart business owners and managers share one quality that makes them stand out amongst their peers: they are always looking ahead. Not just a few weeks or months. But years. There are trends in politics, economics and technology occurring right now that will impact your business over the next 3–5 years. Do you know what they are?

In this entertaining, educational and fast-paced workshop, Washington Post columnist, business owner and author, Gene Marks will answer the most significant questions facing your business over the next few years and help you identify the actions to take to set up your business for success. 

Washington and the Economy.

What rules and regulations will be relaxed and which ones will remain?
How will potential rewrites of healthcare, taxes and financing laws impact your company’s growth and profitability?
How will the federal government’s budget deficit, spending and taxes impact company operations? What actions should you be taking now to navigate these changes in Washington?

Your People.

What new trends in employee management will you need to know so that you can find and keep the best people working as productively as possible over the next few years?
What new legislation will impact your human resources activities?
What tools can help you and your employees better collaborate, communicate and service your customers?

Your Technology.

What new applications are hitting the market to keep your company ahead of the competition and positioned for future growth?
Where is technology going for your business over the next few years?