2018 NSC SCE

Improve Workplace Health and Safety by Decreasing Stress and Improving Presence (Room 240)

13 Apr 18
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Safety Information & Performance Improvement

It’s estimated that stress is responsible for 60 to 90 percent of doctor’s visits, and 1 million workers miss work each day because of stress – costing companies $602 per employee per year, according the American Institute of Stress. That doesn’t take into account workplace incidents. It’s imperative that we recognize that the problem isn’t stress, it’s our reaction to it, and we can learn to control it. In this session, you’ll learn about proven self-care techniques – affirmations, visualization, mindfulness techniques and mini-meditations – that staff members can do on their own for better health and improved safety. Presence is key to stress reduction, communication and productivity. You can’t hear if you’re not here. Being in the moment leads to a safer workplace and better interaction.