Construction SuperConference 2017

E14 From Outside Counsel to CEO: Insights from Lawyers Who Rose Through the Ranks to Run Major International Construction Companies (Room Chopin 4)

It is a rare breed of lawyer who can start as an associate in a law firm and eventually become the CEO of his one-time client. We may watch this rare phenomenon but rarely do we understand what distinguishes this individual from his colleagues. Moreover, going from outside counsel, to being a major client who hires multiple law firms, provides a unique prospective on what is and is not important for every lawyer and businessman to know and appreciate. This exceptionally-qualified panel will share lessons learned and insights to be shared, learned on the road from law firm trenches to the pinnacles of our industry.

Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what skills a good lawyer can bring to an executive position.
  • Understand how perspective can alter views regarding legal services and business priorities.
  • Understand legal training can be an impediment to running a substantial business entity.