FETC 2018

Google Classroom: Beginning With Hints of Getting Geeky (Room Bayhill 21)

24 Jan 18
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

Come learn all about Google Classroom from the very beginning of creating a Classroom, to changing settings and adding students, to creating and grading assignments. You will have access to many resources to dive even deeper into the possibilities of Google Classroom. These include paperless and auto-graded assessments as well as a growing list of software that now integrates with Google Classroom and what they can do. You should bring a laptop and have access to Google Classroom as a Google Apps for Education School. Beginners and intermediate users will all get something valuable out of this workshop and will leave with at least one Classroom set up and ready to use along with many resources to get #geeky!