SpaceCom 2017

Keynote: The Role of Satellite in the Digital Society of Tomorrow (Room Ballroom A)

07 Dec 17
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace, Energy, Investment, Maritime, Medical

Inmarsat CEO Rupert Pearce will explore the central role of satellite communications in enabling the emerging global Gigabit Society of tomorrow, where millions of connections will exist between people, devices, and things. The global reach of satellite can not only support local development, growth and innovation through reliable broadband and narrowband connectivity, but can also support the rapid globalization of local innovation. Rupert Pearce`s speech will give examples of how investments in satellite services can have a profound effect across society, ranging from industry, health, and education to sustainability, global trade, agriculture and fisheries, e-government and facilitating the development of smart cities and smart societies.