InterDrone 2019

A Toolbox to Protect Your Copyright (Room Palma)

06 Sep 19
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Agriculture, Business, Cinema and Photo, Construction, Development and Hardware, Emergency and SAR, Energy, Fire, Infrastructure, Inspection, Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Surveying and Mapping

If you capture images or video for a living, you may be shocked to discover that someone uses your work without permission. Worse yet, someone else may take full credit for your work. An attendee to this Seminar will be empowered to protect their intellectual property.  Knowing Copyright Law is crucial for photographers and videographers. Whether you work in the Cinema industry, a Real Estate Agency, or capturing progress of a building’s construction, adopting simple, routine habits before clicking the shutter can be the difference between carving your reputation as a Master and watching someone else get the glory for your talent.
In this session, we will take a look at Copyright Law in simplified terms, explore typical examples of the Law’s applications, and make sure that you have a native grasp on the general principles of Copyright, including derivative Copyright, typical licensing agreements, common traps and caveats.