POWER-GEN Asia 2018

Hybridization of an Island in the Philippines: Increasing Energy Access, Lowering Costs (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

A typical remote island in the Philippines currently experiences only 8 hours of electricity per day, originating from aged diesel generators. Using a PV-battery-diesel hybrid system, the task of a GIZ-financed Feasibility Study was to provide a 24/7 power supply by reducing the annual fuel costs at the same time. Intensive and detailed data-acquisition was performed: Consumption-curves and actual load-measurement were collected; socio-economic statistics analyzed, future predictions made. To identify the technical and economic optimum, several simulation scenarios were conducted. The LCOE could be significantly lowered, still providing grid availability at any time. Furthermore, the grid stability has been increased. Supplementary, the study challenged the practicability and weaknesses of the planned VDE Test Specification for load measurement and simulation of hybrid systems. The standard has been produced to certify the quality of hybrid system designs to third parties.