F101: Integrating Robotic Automation into Your Process (Room S401D)

13 Nov 19
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Automation, Cutting/Laser

Autonomous Mobile Robots in Diverse Work Settings
Faced with the growing demand for more personalized and varied products in a competitive global marketplace, today's manufacturers are looking for faster, more creative ways to overcome space limitations and other complex production challenges. Many have turned to collaborative and mobile robotics systems to meet their needs. Combining the strengths of a collaborative robot with an autonomous mobile platform, these vehicles use intelligent software and sensors to navigate crowded factory floors and perform a number of tasks. But how does a manufacturer know if an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) is right for their application? Using real-world case studies, this presentation will show how autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are being used to increase the flexibility of automation projects in different work settings. The speaker will walk attendees through the considerations and benefits of each project, as well as provide working definitions of industry-specific topics.
Denise Ebenhoech – KUKA

Adapt Your Manufacturing Process: Do More with Less
Fabricators today face a major paradox: high demand for faster lead time and a dwindling workforce. Integrating robotic automation into your fabrication process frees up floor space, increases productivity, all with fewer workers. Acieta will expand on the benefits of robotic automation and how to choose the right robotics integrator. Attendees will hear real examples of how automation helped one company increase their capacity by 50% by streamlining their operations.
Mark Sumner – Acieta

Automation Track Sponsored By: