Mensa AG 2018

The Secret to Making Change Fun: Discover Your Type, Know the Path, Learn to Let Go (Room JW Grand Ballroom 2)

08 Jul 18
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Rachel Headley
Dr. Rachel MK Headley rejects that “change is hard.” Change is thrilling! And, yes, also terrifying sometimes. It also creates a crucible in which your most creative ideas will be born. Although individuals react differentially to a change event, everyone goes through the same exact transition, regardless of age, education, wiliness, or other factor. Some go through the transition faster or slower, with more or less pain. These differences can cause immense stress between loved ones or among a team at work. Dr. Headley and her team have developed a set of Change Types that allows you to identify just what you need to get through a change. She is an expert in change transitions and methods by which to expedite and ease the process. Today, she will walk you through the how of change — how to identify your Change Type, how to recognize where you are in your transition, and how to leverage the creativity inherent in change. But, be warned. Some of the skills require you to let go of your intellectual need to see every step ahead of you: to broaden your view of the future, to better communicate to those around you, and to lead them without knowing the way with certainty. Sound scary? It can be. But, they are the most powerful tools that you can have in our ever-changing world.