Mensa AG 2018

Schemes and Scams 2018: Never a Dull Moment for Investigators, Never a Safe Haven for Potential Victims (Room JW Grand Ballroom 3/4)

This fast-paced presentation will simultaneously scare and educate you. “Oh, nobody falls for that anymore...” doesn't cut it because the world of fraud is constantly changing. What's real? What's fake? How can you recognize a scam before it sinks its teeth into your pocketbook or your jugular? ID theft, credit cards, investments, romance, internet, health care, pharmaceutical, employment, real estate, automobile, travel, Nigerian letters, “free” anything, life insurance death-for-dollars, charities, land swindles, Bunco crimes, the double-edged sword of technology, small print surprises, organized crime, social media, high profile cases, winner/winner/winner, and the list goes on. Fraud is the second-most costly economic crime in America, surpassed only by tax evasion. Audience participation is encouraged.