Mensa AG 2018

A Cookie Cutter Concatenation (Room JW Grand Ballroom 1)

07 Jul 18
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Elise Davidson
I have over 2,000 cookie cutters. I love to make and decorate cookies! However, I find the cutters themselves interesting. One can trace the development of manufacturing materials and techniques through close examinations of cookie cutters: everything from wood and ceramic, to tin and aluminum, through different plastics and 3-D printing, nailing, soldering, and gluing. It’s also useful to place the development of cookie cutters within the context of the development of the American kitchen, from the early Colonial Period to the second decade of the 21st century. I tend to concentrate on American cookie cutters because the "cookie" as we think of it is uniquely North American. Europe and Asia have their cookie traditions, but they tend to be centered around molds rather than cutters. Come and enjoy a peek at a uniquely North American phenomenon!