Mensa AG 2018

Barter School Indy: An Old Model for a New Program (Room JW Grand Ballroom 9)

08 Jul 18
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Vanessa Convard
Barter School Indy is a community education program that is paid for through barter-model compensation, rather than a monetary fee. We offer an opportunity to learn a new skill in an affordable and safe environment. We are a nonprofit group under the financial umbrella of our sponsor, The Athenaeum. Community members teach a class in their area of expertise and participants pay for that class with a reasonably priced barter item. These classes range from hobbies such as cooking or mail art to practical subjects such as car maintenance or resume writing. Each semester is a little different. The barter items may be something like a used book, soda, or even a handmade item. Each barter item is based on requests made by the teacher and go straight to the teacher. We are funded 100 percent through donations by the community. Our board members, organizers, and teachers are all volunteers. For more information, email