Mensa AG 2018

Leveraging Risk Communication for Online Security (Room JW Grand Ballroom 9)

07 Jul 18
7:30 PM - 8:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): L Jean Camp
Risk communication allows individuals to easily see the consequences of their actions. The traditional design goal of transparency, of making visible user-action-system-consequence, may be overwhelming or impossible for security. Security as a default is opaque and disabling. Risk communication is neither transparent nor opaque; but rather consists of security technologies that are easy to use, communicate risk choices only to the degree necessary to avoid inadvertent choices, can be dismissed in a straight-forward manner if the individual chooses to take a risk, or if the system is in error. My work in this space leverages risk communication and data analytics to provide risk communication to empower people to make informed choices online. I present progress, failures, and discuss how to leverage mental models to inform online choices.